Multilayered Realities @ Galeri Chandan

Employing an augmented reality application that provides only web links, this exhibition comes across as a test environment for a programming student, and not "art moves alongside the technology" as stated in the introduction text. Rather than appreciating these exhibits, travelling is a better option to experience different layers of local society. Not to be ignored are the peculiar projections presented by Halim Rahim, a project which stemmed from the artist taking an unfamiliar snapshot of his wife - her side profile. Viewing these photographs of prominent individuals prove remarkably unsettling, where visual familiarity becomes a function of the intellect instead of perceptive sense. Bridging an unintentional link to the side profile portraits from 14th century Europe, these pictures explore the inherent human intrigue with portraiture, from recording method to positional angles to absolute truths.

Halim Rahim - Faces We Know: (clockwise from top left) Marina Mahathir, Jalaini Abu Hassan, Jo Kukathas, Anurendra Jegadeva
