Snippets: Accelerated Intimacy @ Yeo Workshop, Singapore
The lack of electronic security, feels like an aberration, in this city-state. Having stayed in different hotel rooms for four consecutive nights, turning a door knob becomes an unfamiliar act, before stepping into another room with view(s). Spotlights illuminate a floor plan and dark azure walls, while the glow from five video projections irradiate acrylic constructs resembling furniture. Seductive neon colours disperse across the room, creating a mysterious enclosure that describes Sarah Choo Jing’s installation “Accelerated Intimacy” . Each video is 5:55 minutes long and runs simultaneously, where one first hears a line from The Godfather , then a violin composition (played by a boy in concert getup), and ends with a cacophony, then a synchronized door knock. Installation snapshot Listening in for a while, it becomes apparent that the dialogue is spliced from famous films. Quotes from Tootsie, Lost in Translation, The Conversation, Skyfall, Leon the Professional, Avatar ,