Prudential Malaysian Eye @ MAP Publika
" (Art instructor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Kurt) Chan depicted the general logic of the survey in almost universally negative terms: it is typically only a survey of the obvious, because curatorial teams rarely commit to the sustained engagement of uniqueness of voice; the even representation of schools or styles replaces deeper engagement with practices; the tendency is always towards the spectacle. He also noted that the survey is uniquely useful in the construction of discursive power, able to stand at the intersection of a complex of institutions, artists, market players and broad audiences." - Total Hong Kong: artistic ecology and the typology of the survey , Broadsheet Volume 42.3 Chong Ai Lei - True Romance I (2013) Robin Peckham's essay about the "Hong Kong Eye" resonates much with the Malaysian edition, which sees 75 local artists featured in a coffee table book, out of which 21 are chosen by the three foreign curators to